Oct. 27/30th.....Beach days. Bought a mask,fins and snorkel at Walmart and picked up a large shell in the water off the beach. Paul advised me to freeze it to facilitate removing the inhabitant from the shell. Went out w/ Paul,Katherine and some of their friends for pizza on Friday night in Apollo Beach. Good stuff and good company!
Paul invited me to go out w/ them on the w/end to do some snorkelling. He's got a "hooka" which is a small compressor that floats on the surface and pumps air down to you so there's no need to wear a tank as in scuba diving. Paul also has a spear gun. I'm really looking forward to that & wish I had an underwater camera.
Couple of things that I've observed that I haven't mentioned.... on the causeway which leads to the beach there's a guy w/ a van who has wooden crosses all over it along w/ various signs denoting that it's a prayer station!!!! Another nut case. Like people are going to stop along the road and join him for a quickie prayer. The other interesting thing I've seen are the garbage trucks. When I arrived here I noticed that everyone had a large green garbage container with wheels on it. On the lid are instructions on how to put it out. The truck comes along and an arm comes out, grasps the can, tips it onto a conveyor that fits in between the two arms, tips it and the conveyor carries it into the back of the truck thus eliminating the need for a grunt on the back of the truck to do the work. The downside is the trucks can't turn around in front of here so they back down the street leaving the conveyor on the wrong side of the truck. Gotta get a picture of how this works and post it on here.
One more thing. While riding my bike I came across some prisoners (yeah with the cool stripes) cutting weeds. They also wear cool white boots to frustrate the snakes.
I've noticed the oranges on the trees outside are getting close to being ripe. No sign of anything on the lime tree though which I need for my rum & coke (at $11.00 for 1 3/4 litres)