A PHOTO JOURNAL OF TWO MONTHS IN FLORIDA FROM OCT. 11TH UNTIL DEC. 13/2005. SPECIAL THANKS TO THE FRIENDS I'VE MADE DOWN HERE THAT MADE ALL OF THIS POSSIBLE. Paul,Kathryn,Bud,Carol,John,Andrea,Stanley,Sharon,Susan,Burt,Linda and Jim who took me sailing. Note on the left hand side is a title called archives. There are more pics (which can be enlarged if you click on them) if you click onto the appropriate month.

Location: Kelowna, B.C., Canada

Moved to Kelowna from Vancouver in 1970. Worked at Western Star Trucks for 26 years before they did me a favour. Now I'm having a ball, live alone, have two great married sons and daughter in laws a beautiful grandaughter Isabella and a new grandson Diego who all live close by. Update......no longer living alone. I've met a beautiful lady who has everything except good taste in men!

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Nov. 29th .... The John and Mabel Ringling mansion.... This mansion was built in two years between 1922 and 1925. When the depression hit Ringling went into bankruptcy but Fla. tax laws allowed him to keep his property. He later left it and the adjoining 66 acres to the Fla. State University

A shot of the living room. Notice the ornate birdcage and behind that and below the tapestry is an organ that provided music for the guests
The patio
This is the tower that's on the 4th floor

The living room

The upstairs hallway that leads to the bedrooms overlooks the living room.
The dining room. This table has 20 extra leafs and would be moved into another room if they were req'd as this room wouldn't hold that many. All the extra chairs can be seen along the back wall. The walls are 1/4" black walnut.

The ceiling in the dining room

The bar. Only the men drank in here and only liquor and wine were served as beer was considered to be a "working mans drink". The ladies went elsewhere and had coffee or tea.

The breakfast room

Mabels armoire

Mabels bathtub which is made from one solid block of marble and weighing in at 2000 #

Johns beds

Mable Ringlings bed which is an adjoining bedroom

Painting on Johns bedroom wall of Napoleans sister in law which closely resembles Mable Ringling. Guess she wouldn't pose nude for the old guy
Painting on the ceiling of Johns bedroom


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