A PHOTO JOURNAL OF TWO MONTHS IN FLORIDA FROM OCT. 11TH UNTIL DEC. 13/2005. SPECIAL THANKS TO THE FRIENDS I'VE MADE DOWN HERE THAT MADE ALL OF THIS POSSIBLE. Paul,Kathryn,Bud,Carol,John,Andrea,Stanley,Sharon,Susan,Burt,Linda and Jim who took me sailing. Note on the left hand side is a title called archives. There are more pics (which can be enlarged if you click on them) if you click onto the appropriate month.

Location: Kelowna, B.C., Canada

Moved to Kelowna from Vancouver in 1970. Worked at Western Star Trucks for 26 years before they did me a favour. Now I'm having a ball, live alone, have two great married sons and daughter in laws a beautiful grandaughter Isabella and a new grandson Diego who all live close by. Update......no longer living alone. I've met a beautiful lady who has everything except good taste in men!

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Nov. 15-17th..... Went to Home Depot on Monday morning and bought some oak laminate to do the hall and bedroom floors. (one of the chores from my sisters list) After wearing out the saw I'm 2/3 of the way finished. That stuff is like concrete to cut. It's also hot work. I've had the air on as well as a fan blowing directly onto me and I'm using sweat to grease the boards. I can't work at night when it's cooler as there isn't enough light in the bedroom and I don't want to wake up the "bluehairs" who go to bed around supper time.
I borrowed a new saw from Paul so this should make my life much simpler and hopefully I can finish up today once the sun comes up. Paul also mentioned a new dive site off the shore of Tampa so looks like another exciting day coming up. This reef is only in 15' of water so I'm really looking forward to getting down there. Paul can type in the co ordinates of the site on his computer (I think it's called googlemap) and it zooms right in to show you where it is. All he needs on that 'puter is a fish finder.
He also informed me that if your a resident (homesteader) your taxes can't go up by more than 3% a year. If your a foreigner and own a house look out! They can charge you enough to cover the 3% the others are paying. Here's a little blurb on your property.... You can key in an address and the computer will tell you who owns it, what they paid for it, how much it's been sold for in the past, who holds the mortgage, and how much you pay in taxes! So much for privacy eh?
Another eyeopener.... health insurance can cost upwards of $750/a month. That's $10,000 a year. Canada is looking pretty good now eh folks?
Last night I went into the pool for a swim and then soaked in the hottub. 75 degrees and a full moon and I had the place all to myself. A beautiful evening with the smell of the Jasmine bush coming through the bedroom window.
Well time to quit procrastinating and start laying floor

The new hardwood
The old carpet. Pretty fancy eh?


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